Soccer drill for strikers – The goal scoring course
In this drill the players have to score twice in rapid succession, and that’s not only fun, it’s a also highly beneficial!

Two coaches stand next to the goals while the players are lined up on the other side. The difficulty of this drill lies in the players having to score twice in rapid succession. Furthermore they have to be aware of on-coming players they possibly face along the way. Each coach should have a number of balls ready to ensure that the drill runs fluently. On the coach’s command the first player in line starts running. He initially goes past an obstacle representing a defender before the coach throws him a pass that he has to convert with a header. This sequence should happen simultaneously on both sides of the training pitch.
After the players converted the first ball they have to turn around and run over to the other side.
There the second coach delivers them the ball with a low pass which they then have to convert without using a second touch to trap the ball.
After converting the second pass the players should get back in line on the opposite side of their starting point.

The sequence gets modified in the first variation of the drill. Instead of heading the ball, the players now have to convert the first pass with a side volley.
The second pass, the one they receive from the coach on the other side, should now be put into the net with a header.
In the second variation the players now have to trap the first ball before converting it. The second pass should now be converted without using a second touch to control the ball.

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